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Country Awakening

...Part drama and part romance, this novel will be in my heart forever. It's a great story, with a very good pace, lots of family situations, and a little bit of magic... As soon as I started reading it, I was hooked by the remarkable writing style of the author. I couldn’t stop reading it... All in all, this book leaves you feeling hopeful. I would gladly recommend you all, no matter what age you are, to read this novel. Don’t miss it!

...Annie's journey is thought provoking... developing into a sweet woman designed in the image of God who learns her own self-worth. READ this BOOK, you will love it as I did...


Liberating Inner Eve

...Bozena has a gift of truly transforming women by breaking the shackles of self-doubt and conditioning. Her pragmatic wisdom - deeply grounded in biblical scripture and inspired poetry - liberates the soul into a higher dimension. Bozena is so effective in helping the reader recondition the mind to focus on the magnificent self-worth in the eyes of their Creator....

...I found the writing so engaging that it pulled me word for word, paragraph by paragraph. I also loved the fact that I can 100% relate to what the book teaches...

...well-written and is, indeed, very insightful. This isn’t a simple, feel-good book for women. Bozena has done her research well and includes a lot of poignant findings from historical theologians and artists...

...helps you explore your inner workings, how to become more confident, look at your body differently, and develop successful coping strategies. There is much to explore here, highly recommend...

...A book that is written in the most sincere and heart-felt manner with God’s hand visibly upon this book...


Learn to Share Toys

...I love how Bozena Zawisz teaches respect to her child and instructs him to work towards an answer that works for both him and his brother. Learn to share toys teaches boundaries of communication that shows integrity that fewer children and adults understand...

...This picture book is a great way to illustrate the importance of sharing with children. I got this as a kindle version, but I will be buying a print version to give to my young parent friends. It’s helping be make progress with the children I babysit....

...these are proven strategies with positive outcomes that will teach kids to deal with negative feelings and expressing them in a positive way, overcoming them. Easy to read, with appealing writing, and very colorful. A delight for children and parents....

...Bobby’s enlightened mum shows him how to deal with his anger using meditation and mindfulness techniques. These techniques will benefit every child....

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